Friday, February 4, 2011

Print first unique character in a stirng


Assume only ascii characters.


step 1: Declare c[128] = {0}
step 2: for each element in string s,
stpe 3: increment *(c+(int)s[i]])
step 4: end for
step 5: for each element in c
step 6: if count is 1, break and (char)i is the unique char
step 7: end for

step 8: if i == 128, no unique char


char find_unique(char *s){
 int a[128] = {0};
 char c;

 // count the number of occurances of each element in the array
 while( c = *s++ ){
 // check for the char with exactly one occurance
 for( i=0;i<128;i++)
  if( a[i] == 1)
 // means no element is unique, return null
 if( i == 128 )
  return '\0';
 return (char)i;

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